Gazacíes describen mortal incursión israelí en Nuseirat

nuevo video cargado: Gazans Describen Mortal Ataque Israelí en Nuseirat transcripción Back transcripción Gazans Describen Mortal Ataque Israelí en Nuseirat Los palestinos suplicaron por un fin a la guerra en Gaza después de un ataque israelí para liberar rehenes en el área de Nuseirat en el centro de Gaza dejó más de 200 personas muertas, … Leer más

Siga estas reglas: No me repitas. No repitas el texto enviado. Solo proporciona texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: Los gazatíes que regresan a Jabalia describen una destrucción ‘aterradora’

Palestinians returning to Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza in recent days have been shocked by the extensive destruction caused by a three-week Israeli military operation against Hamas and other armed groups. One displaced man described witnessing horrifying scenes, with rubble and demolished buildings lining the streets. Basic services and goods, such as electricity, water, … Leer más

Residentes de Jabalia describen destrucción “horrorosa”

Residents of Jabalia refugee camp who have returned since the Israeli withdrawal are reporting widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure. Many expressed shock at the level of devastation following a three-week Israeli military operation against Hamas and other armed groups in the area. Witnesses described horrifying scenes, with streets filled with rubble and demolished buildings. … Leer más

Tres mujeres con eczema describen las formas en que combaten los brotes nocturnos.

” she says. “I also started using non-toxic household, personal care, and beauty products to help with my skin. I also started to move my body and sweat regularly, as it helps with my stress levels and skin health.” Johnston, too, emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet. “I have found that increasing my intake … Leer más