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Recent data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reveals that 39.8% of U.S. adults are obese. The survey also shows that 18.5% of children aged 2 to 19 are obese, with an expected increase to 20.6% in adolescents aged 12 to 19.

Individuals who weigh more than what is considered normal for their height are classified as overweight or obese according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The CDC reports that the percentage of youth who are overweight or obese has more than tripled since the 1970s.

Several factors contribute to the rising obesity rates, including shorter sleep duration, metabolic inefficiency, poor eating habits, and low levels of physical activity. Obese children are at a higher risk of developing health conditions such as metabolic syndrome, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disease, and disability.

The increasing number of overweight and obese individuals has led to significant growth in the weight loss industry, with market researchers estimating a value of $70.3 billion in 2018.

While there was anticipated growth in the weight loss industry, one prominent company, WW (formerly Weight Watchers), experienced losses following their rebranding in September 2018. The company aimed to become a partner in wellness, offering science-based solutions to help individuals achieve their health goals.

WW faced declining memberships in 2019, which some attribute to the declining popularity of traditional dieting methods. The company offered free membership to teens aged 13 to 17 in an effort to engage a younger consumer base.

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Despite criticism from parents and experts, WW continued to focus on appealing to young consumers by releasing a smartphone app for children as young as 8. The app aims to promote healthy habits and address childhood obesity, with the involvement of parents and optional coaching sessions.

By targeting children as young as 8, WW hopes to address the childhood obesity epidemic and provide support for families in making sustainable lifestyle changes.

Kurbo by WW is now available in the U.S., and the free Kurbo app can be downloaded from the iOS Apple Store and Google Play.

Critics argue that despite the company’s claims that Kurbo teaches healthy eating habits, it is essentially a weight loss program for children that could potentially lead to eating disorders. Many people have signed a petition urging WW to remove the app.

Tomi Akanbi, a clinical nutrition coordinator, warns that encouraging children to count calories can be dangerous, as it may lead to skipping meals or consuming empty calories from junk food. This focus on weight can also contribute to eating disorders, especially in teenage girls who feel pressured to conform to societal standards. Research has shown that dieting in teens is not an effective way to promote long-term weight loss or overall wellness.

Experts suggest that weight loss efforts in childhood could result in body image dissatisfaction and unhealthy weight control behaviors. A small study found that fitness apps may exacerbate risky eating behaviors in young people, highlighting the need for careful consideration when designing apps for vulnerable teenagers.

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The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against focusing on weight loss in teens and instead recommends promoting healthy eating habits and physical activity. Counting calories may not be the solution to maintaining a healthy weight, as the quality of calories consumed is equally important.

The AAP suggests that families focus on healthy lifestyle modifications rather than dieting to reduce the risk of eating disorders. Encouraging positive body image, family meals, and limiting sugary foods can help promote healthy habits in children.

Cyclical ketosis, which involves eating healthy, unprocessed foods, aligns with the AAP’s recommendations for promoting balanced weight and health. By avoiding processed foods and emphasizing whole, organic fruits and vegetables, parents can help their children make healthier food choices. Regular exercise is also essential for overweight or obese children to maintain a healthy weight. Sin embargo, incluso si tu hijo no tiene sobrepeso, deberías animarlo a participar en actividades físicas después de la escuela y los fines de semana.

Para adolescentes mayores y adultos jóvenes que estén motivados a probar la forma keto de manera independiente, es crucial entender qué grasas son buenas para ti y cuáles no lo son. La mayoría de los estadounidenses consumen grasas dañinas como los aceites vegetales procesados, lo cual empeorará inevitablemente tu salud.

Entonces, cuando hablamos de aumentar el consumo de grasas dietéticas, nos referimos a grasas naturales y no procesadas, que se encuentran en alimentos reales como semillas, nueces, mantequilla, aceitunas, aguacate y aceite de coco. Una lista más extensa de ejemplos se puede encontrar en “Introducción Básica a la Terapia Metabólica Mitocondrial.”

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Si desean dar el siguiente paso y considerar el ketofasting, es aún más importante recordar que esto no se trata de saltarse comidas, sino de entender que la cetosis cíclica radica en la flexibilidad metabólica que tu cuerpo logra al ser capaz de quemar glucosa y cetonas como combustible.

Lamentablemente, comer durante un período de 12 horas o más durante el día aumenta radicalmente tu riesgo de obesidad, ya que tu cuerpo solo está adaptado para quemar glucosa y no es lo suficientemente flexible para quemar cetonas o grasa como combustible.

Además de la flexibilidad metabólica y la reducción del riesgo de síndrome metabólico, la cetosis cíclica acelera la autofagia durante la cual tu cuerpo elimina orgánulos dañados y patógenos intracelulares.

Este proceso de limpieza esencial fomenta el crecimiento de células sanas y es la base para la longevidad. El ayuno intermitente puede ser una de las intervenciones más profundas que puedes hacer para mejorar radicalmente tu salud, aumentar la capacidad de tu cuerpo para quemar grasa visceral y ayudarte a perder peso, todo mientras prolongas tu vida.

En lugar de descargar la última aplicación para smartphone, considera embarcarte en un viaje de descubrimiento con tus adolescentes, buscando algunos de tus productos cultivados localmente, eliminando los alimentos procesados e incorporando el ayuno intermitente. Cada una de estas estrategias nutricionales ayuda a apoyar tu salud general y el control de peso.