Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a naturally occurring compound in the brain that plays a role in sleep regulation and muscle tone. It has been researched for its potential therapeutic effects on the central nervous system, particularly in treating conditions like alcohol withdrawal and sleep disorders.

Unfortunately, GHB has been misused as a recreational drug due to its euphoric and sedative effects, earning it the infamous nicknames of “date rape drug” or “liquid ecstasy.”

Due to its narrow therapeutic window, where the line between a beneficial dose and an overdose is slim, misuse of GHB can have serious and potentially lethal consequences, as shown in recent studies from Australia.

Rising Trend in GHB Intoxication Revealed by Recent Australian Study

A study published in April 2024 in Emergency Medicine Australasia analyzed data from four major hospitals in Sydney from 2012 to 2021. The study found a significant increase in emergency department visits related to GHB intoxication, with a rise from 228 to 729 cases annually from 2015 to 2020, representing a 114% increase.

The study also noted a rise in the severity of GHB intoxication cases, with more cases classified as high urgency, indicating potentially life-threatening situations.

Most incidents occurred between midnight and 4 a.m., aligning with typical nightlife hours. The study highlighted the need to understand the underlying factors driving these increases to implement effective harm reduction strategies.

U.S. data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health showed a low percentage of adults reporting GHB use, but a strong correlation was found between GHB use and other substances like methamphetamine, ketamine, and ecstasy.

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GHB overdose symptoms include drowsiness, coma, respiratory depression, muscle twitching, and seizures. Although recovery is often quick, it’s crucial to monitor the person’s airway and provide breathing support if needed.

Insights on GHB Use

Another study published in March 2024 in Drug and Alcohol Review explored the rising trend of GHB intoxications and its combination with other substances, particularly methamphetamine. The study noted the increased risk of severe respiratory depression and coma with GHB use alongside other CNS depressants.

The study also highlighted the emerging trend of using GHB as a coping mechanism for stress, beyond traditional recreational purposes.

These findings emphasize the importance of comprehensive toxicological screening and highlight that GHB itself is not inherently harmful; rather, it’s the misuse and lack of understanding of its effects that pose risks.

The Controversy Behind GHB

GHB, developed in 1874, has beneficial effects such as muscle relaxation and sleep induction. However, it faced backlash in the 1990s, leading to its ban and misrepresentation as a dangerous drug linked to sexual assault.

Despite this, its pharmaceutical versions like sodium oxybate (Xyrem) and low-sodium oxybate have been approved for treating certain conditions. These medications have shown promise in treating symptoms like excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy but come with a high cost, making them inaccessible to many patients.

Recomiendo leer el artículo de invitados en su totalidad para aprender más sobre la historia e impacto de GHB.

Estrategias para Mejorar tu Sueño Sin Recurrir a Medicamentos

Si hay algo bueno que salió de prohibir GHB y hacer que sus formas de prescripción sean caras, es que anima a las personas a centrarse en abordar las causas subyacentes del mal sueño de forma natural, en lugar de depender únicamente de la medicación. Aquí tienes algunas estrategias para ayudarte a conciliar el sueño más rápidamente y disfrutar de un sueño de calidad:

LEAR  Cerrando brechas de personal en el cuidado de la salud mediante la utilización de diversas fuentes de talento contingente.

Prueba las Técnicas de Liberación Emocional (TLE) — Esta técnica es una forma de acupresión psicológica, basada en los mismos meridianos de energía utilizados en la acupuntura tradicional durante más de 5,000 años para tratar dolencias físicas y emocionales, pero sin la invasividad de las agujas.

Puede ser altamente efectiva para reducir el estrés y promover la relajación, que son a menudo las razones por las que las personas buscan sustancias como GHB. Echa un vistazo al video a continuación para conocer los pasos básicos sobre cómo hacer TLE para relajarte y destresarte.

Convierte tu dormitorio en un oasis para dormir — Tu cama es un lugar para dormir y descansar cómodamente. Solo otras dos actividades no impedirán significativamente un sueño reparador — leer y tener relaciones íntimas con tu pareja. Cualquier otra cosa, como trabajar, usar computadoras, teléfonos celulares o ver televisión, reducirá la calidad de tu sueño.

Reduce cualquier interrupción ruidosa de mascotas o actividades al aire libre. Puedes considerar sacar a tu mascota del dormitorio o usar una máquina de ruido blanco para reducir las interrupciones por ruidos exteriores.

Establece una rutina relajante antes de acostarte — Los humanos somos criaturas de hábito. Cuando estableces una rutina relajante antes de acostarte, es más probable que te duermas fácilmente. Actividades como un baño caliente, leer un buen libro o ejercicios de relajación pueden ayudarte a conciliar el sueño más fácilmente.