Overall, my journey of resistance began at a young age, unknowingly at first, but gradually becoming more conscious as I grew older. From attending Saturday school to learning about the struggles of Black children in the education system, to being introduced to political activism by my neighbor, Milton, I was shaped by the resistance efforts of those around me. Participating in demonstrations and finding my passion for art were key moments in my own personal resistance. It was through these experiences that I learned to love myself and believe in my own abilities, despite the challenges and obstacles that I faced. Resistance, for me, was not just about fighting against external forces, but also about finding the strength and courage within myself to push forward and strive for a better future.
Mi buena fortuna fue que mi familia se mudó al suburbio de Ealing cuando yo tenía seis años. Allí estaba rodeado de espacios verdes para jugar e imaginar. Recuerdo largos días de verano con mis amigos en Lammas Park, acostado en el césped fresco y mirando al cielo. Este entorno me permitió soñar.
La resistencia ha sido mi vida, y continúa siéndolo.
Estas palabras e imágenes se extraen de Resistance por Steve McQueen y Turner Contemporary, editado por Clarrie Wallis y Sarah Harrison, publicado por Monument Books el 13 de febrero de 2025 (£25). Una importante exposición del mismo nombre, comisariada por Steve McQueen y Clarrie Wallis con Emma Lewis, se inaugura en Turner Contemporary en Margate el 22 de febrero de 2025. Investigación política por Sarah Harrison.