Cómo Producir los Alimentos Más Saludables Imaginables

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on December 31, 2023.

The interview above highlights Ashley Armstrong, an expert in producing healthy food and understanding how the body uses it. She follows the principles of bioenergetic medicine by Ray Peat and is a certified personal trainer with a Ph.D., MS, and BS in engineering.

Armstrong experimented with various diets like low-carb, fasting, keto, and carnivore diets before discovering Peat’s principles. She credits Peat with improving her health and energy levels significantly.

Low-carb and keto diets can backfire by inhibiting glucose metabolism and impairing thyroid function. These diets also increase stress hormones, while reducing omega-6 fats can be beneficial for health.

Armstrong explains that energy production is crucial for overall health. By increasing energy levels, the body can prioritize functions like reproductive health, digestion, and cognitive thinking.

Measuring body temperature and pulse can help assess energy production levels. High stress hormones can elevate waking body temperature, while consuming certain fats can impact energy production negatively.

Reducing endotoxin, estrogen, omega-6 fats, and stress hormones can enhance mitochondrial function and energy production within the body.

Linoleic acid (LA) is a primary driver of disease due to its negative impact on mitochondrial function and energy production. Balancing fat and glucose intake is essential for optimal energy production in the body. Fat is not inherently bad, but it’s important to understand that different fats have varying effects on the body. It is crucial to consume the right fats. Armstrong explains that the structure of fatty acid molecules impacts the internal environment and energy production in the body. Saturated fats can improve the internal environment. When transitioning to a low-carb diet, reducing packaged foods high in vegetable oil and linoleic acid can help saturate tissues. However, it’s essential to consider the types and amounts of macronutrients consumed for optimal energy production.

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The quality of carbohydrates matters, with fresh, ripe fruit being an ideal choice. Watermelon, containing citrulline that converts into nitric oxide, is a beneficial option. Frozen fruit can be a convenient alternative, while cold-pressed, pulp-free orange juice is a good carb choice, especially for those with an unhealthy gut microbiome.

Armstrong’s farm produces high-quality eggs by allowing chickens to scratch for insects. Feeding chickens a diet without supplemental food can lead to top-notch egg quality. The feed given to animals has a significant impact on the quality of animal products. Conventional eggs are high in linoleic acid, while eggs from chickens fed an ideal diet are nutritious and low in linoleic acid. The feed of the chickens can also affect the allergenicity of the eggs, with soy-based diets potentially causing issues for some individuals.

In conclusion, the types and quality of fats, carbohydrates, and animal feed can have profound impacts on energy production, health, and overall well-being. Making informed choices about these dietary components is crucial for optimal health. Some individuals may have allergies to corn, which can be passed through eggs. However, soy is often the main culprit. It’s important to be cautious of corn and soy-free feeds that contain high-PUFA ingredients like sunflower, flax, fish oil, vegetable oil, and safflower oil. The source of the chicken’s diet can impact the allergenicity of eggs.

LA-Rich animal feed is affecting human health and energy production. It is essential to provide chickens with a balanced diet low in LA and high in healthy saturated fats and nutrients. The types of fats that chickens consume impact the types of fats found in their eggs.

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High-PUFA diets can slow down metabolism, leading to undernourishment and decreased energy production. It’s crucial to monitor and limit PUFA consumption. Odd-chain saturated fats found in dairy products are essential for optimal health and energy production.

The diet of animals affects the quality of their final products. Angel Acres Egg Co. focuses on providing low-PUFA eggs, emphasizing the importance of knowing where your food comes from in the current agricultural system. Hemos discutido la importancia de los huevos bajos en PUFA en una entrevista anterior, incrustada arriba para su conveniencia.

La granja de huevos Angel Acres envía huevos bajos en PUFA a los 50 estados, pero actualmente hay una lista de espera a medida que aumenta lentamente el número de pollos dentro de la red para cumplir con la demanda. Únete a la lista de espera para cajas de huevos bajos en PUFA aquí.

Armstrong también cofundó Nourish Cooperative, que envía la mejor carne de cerdo, carne de res, queso y lácteos A2 bajos en PUFA, y pan de masa fermentada tradicional a los 50 estados. También están cerca de aceptar nuevos miembros en la cooperativa agrícola, únete a la lista de espera aquí: nourishcooperative.com.

En el segmento de video anterior, Ashley reflexiona sobre la línea de tiempo de su decisión de invertir su tiempo libre en la agricultura regenerativa, considerando cómo hace apenas unos años, su salud estaba lejos de ser ideal. Luchaba con la producción de energía mitocondrial y su cuerpo estaba en un estado de tiroides bajo. Tu cuerpo prioriza la energía para tareas esenciales, y la toma de decisiones requiere una cantidad significativa de energía.

Tu cerebro consume aproximadamente el 20% de la energía de tu cuerpo a pesar de ser solo el 2% de su peso. Ashley simplemente no habría tenido suficiente energía celular para suministrar a su cerebro para tomar una decisión como la que tomó a menos que mejorara su salud. Factores como el ácido linoleico en exceso, el estrógeno y las endotoxinas estaban agotando su energía celular, que es crucial para tomar decisiones que requieren mucha energía.

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Su transformación subraya el poder de nutrir tu salud para obtener la energía necesaria para hacer cambios significativos en la vida. Evitar trampas dietéticas como los aceites de semillas jugó un papel clave en este viaje, permitiéndole aprovechar una nueva capacidad para tomar decisiones valientes, un testimonio del impacto profundo de recuperar la energía celular en su capacidad para navegar por las decisiones de la vida.

Es mi sincero deseo y esperanza que consideres su viaje para inspirarte y empoderarte a tomar decisiones similares en tu propia vida y reclamar la Alegría que te mereces. Imagina experimentar la Alegría casi ilimitada que Ashley tiene con sus 1,000 pollos y cuatro perros guardianes de ganado abajo.

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